Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Menu Planning Mon ... Er ... Tuesday, v. 12

Sometimes things just don't go your way.

Like when you're about to head out to the grocery store on a Monday afternoon to pick up the items you need to make your meals for the week ... only to discover that March was a 5 week month and you have no money left in your grocery budget.

So you eat $5 pizzas and hot dogs from Sam's Club and frantically dig through your freezer for something halfway nutritious for dinner that week.

And then you go on a youth retreat over the weekend and overdo it and come home with an aching pregnant belly and ankles the size of softballs. And then your husband comes down with a stomach bug, and then he gives it to you, and then you give it to your toddler.

So you can tell it's been a super fun week over here.

On the bright side, I have gotten some really heartwarming snuggles from the little guy this week AND I learned that I lost a pound since my last midwife appointment last week. 

And it's nearly 80 degrees and sunny outside. So I can't really complain too much.

I'm a few days away from being 34 weeks pregnant, and the one and only thing on my mind these days is getting ready for this baby. My goal is to have between 30-50 meals stored away in the freezer by the time this baby comes so that I don't even have to think about what I will feed my family for the first few months we are a family of 4. Realistically, I'd be happy with having 20 meals stored away. Shoot, if we're honest, I'm just proud I will have 3 meals in the freezer after this week.

My plan for stocking the freezer is to make dinner as normal 4 times a week, but to make 2 or 3 times as much as I normally would and just freeze the extra. I paid a visit to the dollar store today and stocked up on disposable pans and gallon-sized freezer bags, and I'm ready to get this party started!

Here's what on the menu this week:

I was on my deathbed, so the kitchen was closed

Garlic bread

Green Beans

Chicken Parm over noodles
Sauteed squash and zucchini

Kitchen's closed -- Date night!

Kitchen's closed

Youth potluck after church

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