Friday, December 30, 2011

Our Year In Review


I returned back to work after a 6 week maternity leave, which was way too short, by the way. After the first hour away from my baby, I began to sink into a depression. My first week back was not pretty at all. Then God sent snow just for me, and we ended up having the whole next week off due to the weather. I don't remember much else, being as I was in a pretty deep funk.


Still really depressed, so I don't remember much from this month. Husband and I began discussing the possibility of me taking a year's leave of absence from work during the next shool year. We were convinced we wouldn't be able to make it on one income. Sinking deeper into depression. The baby, during all this, gets cuter and cuter. He was dedicated this month, and dada went on his first (and only) multi-day business trip.


On his 4 month birthday, Cohen starts eating pureed foods. After weeks of prayer and seeking advice from people we respect, we decide to bite the bullet and step out in faith -- I would take a year's leave of absence. I began praying then that it would be more than a year. I sewed my first baby bibs this month and got the sewing fever. Cohen got his first tooth without us even realizing it.


I told my boss I wasn't returning to work next school year. That act alone seemed to be the turning point for me -- I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I spent the entire Spring Break snuggling and loving on my baby. Cohen celebrated his first Easter. I spent my first weeked away from Cohen when we took our student ministry on a weekend trip -- that was excrutiating.


I packed up my classroom and bid farewell to the teaching profession for at least a year. Finally I can breath again. Cohen starts crawling on the very first day that I am home with him. We spend Memorial Day weekend at my parents' pool.


Cohen starts pulling up to standing position and gets into everything. I join a mom's group to meet other moms with babies and within the day get an email from a sweet mom inviting me to a playdate. Cohen and I meet our new favorite friends. We are both very happy. Cohen's sweet cousin Ava is born at the very end of the month.


Cohen starts using the Bumbo to walk across the floor -- it's only a matter of time now until he's walking. We take a wonderful family trip to the beach and discover that Cohen hates the ocean. We have a couple playdates with our favorite friends and spend most of our time in diapers (well, he does, not me).


The blog is born! I participate in my first consignment sale and have lots of fun buying all kinds of winter clothes for Cohen. Cohen stands up on his own, and the same day, he takes his first step. I get my first (of three) baby-takes-off-diaper-in-crib-and-poops surprise. Cohen gets his first little sickie bug and has a fever for a day (and scares me to death).


We go to the park for the first time and discover that Cohen loves to swing. We enjoy some fall weather and turning leaves. Cohen impresses his doctor by walking into his 10 month well baby check up. We have fun playing with bathtub paint.


We take a trip to Tennessee for a family reunion and participate in a Right To Life rally. Asher Bracelets starts up with the hope and prayer to raise enough money to pay for one surgery for a baby in Uganda (3 months later, we've got enough money to pay for 12 surgeries!). I host my first giveaway and have to most perfect day ever with my family. Cohen goes trick or treating and takes his candy like a pro. Husband gets three job offers in the span of 2 weeks (without even looking for them-- praise the Lord!).


Cohen turns ONE! I decide to get real. Husband accepts a new job. We enjoy Thanksgiving and Black Friday madness.


We started the month out right by visiting Santa and ministering to our community. Husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and Cohen got really sick. We had a wonderful Christmas with family.

All in all, it's been a pretty great year. We've had our bad times (especially at the beginning), but without them, I wouldn't appreciate these good times so much. I have been able to witness God working in and through my life so clearly this year, and that is very exciting. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for our family in 2012!

1 comment:

  1. I love your year in review and the pictures...I too would love to stay at home but right now it doesn't seem possible. I go back to work in a short two weeks. :( Love your blog!


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